Articles tagged with: Joomla

Search Engine Friendly (SEF) Urls for Virtuemart

on Tuesday, 14 June 2011.

I've come up with a very simple FREE solution to give your VirtueMart Joomla! 1.5 sites SEF URLs. This is the an example of the format you will achieve:

Yootheme Zoo - Accessing Element Data with Joomla Code

on Wednesday, 23 March 2011.

If you're looking to write some custom code with yootheme's zoo then you'll probably be wondering how to access all the data in those dynamic fields you created through their lovely admin user interface. If you look in the jos_zoo_item table in your database you'll see a column called elements. If you look at the contents you'll see that majority of your zoo items data is stored in there as XML.

Joomla - Custom Page Title

on Sunday, 12 December 2010.

In the past I've used a joomla plugin called Title Manager. However I've noticed that it isn't as flexible as it should be.

So I've come up with some code that gives you the ability to name your front page title & append your desired description to all other titles. This is essential for SEO.